You Can Still Email Us Directly!

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on July 8th, 2004

Some of the more observant among you have noticed that we re-designed the magazine. In the old days, there was a front page that was a contents page, and there was a letters page (called “Like We Care.”) which also served as a sort of bulletin board– a place for us to post items about the comedy industry or comedians in the media, etc. We’ve ditched the front page! Now, when you arrive at, you land right in the middle of a constantly changing weblog that incorporates the best elements of the old contents page and the old Like We Care page! We have received numerous positive comments on the re-do. We want to remind people that they can still write to us by clicking on the “Contact Us” link at the top of this page. BUT our readers have a new option: The COMMENTS link. At the bottom of each post is a Comments link, which enables readers to immediately comment on any post! It’s easy and NO REGISTRATION is required. (Of course, we’d prefer that folks attach their names!) HOWEVER, if you wish to contact us directly (and privately), you can still click on the “Contact Us” link, which will whisk you to the page that contains our stupefyingly simple rules and regulations for writing us a letter! Alles klar?