His parents are not amused…

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on February 21st, 2005

The Delhi Newsline is carrying an article profiling one Vir Saran Das, a 24-year-old who, while studying investment banking at Harvard a few years ago, chucked it all for standup comedy stardom.

Training in acting helped Vir with voice modulation and ridding him of stage fright. He wrote his first stand-up comedy special in his senior year which was performed to sold-out crowds of over 600 a night. And it wasn’t long before he was giving solo performances at professional comedy clubs across the States…

He’s big on Indian television right now and Bollywood is calling.

Has anyone ever worked with this guy? Solo performances at professional comedy clubs across the States? We would have heard about a guy from India in his late teens, early 20s headlining in America. Unless he was doing shows just for expat Indians and four-walling venues in cities with large Indian populations. (We hear commercials on WPRB out of Princeton, during the Indian music program, for all kinds of Indian-specific entertainment– movies mostly. It’s like a whole other world! Maybe that’s where he headlined. Hmmm…)