Drew Hastings visits the Glass City

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on March 4th, 2005

Fortunate indeed are the citizens of Toledo and surrounding area, for Mike Kelly of the Toledo Blade writes about standup comedy on a regular basis for his newspaper. Who is this Mr. Kellly, and why does he burn to write about standup comedy so? Is it his editors’ idea? No matter. The fruit of his phoner with Drew Hastings appears today. Hastings is in the Glass City as part of a revue featuring comics who regularly drop in on Bob & Tom.

“I get people making comments like, ‘Oh, Drew, your stuff is so smart, the people in Indiana and Ohio probably don’t really get you.’

“And I just want to say, ‘Boy, it’s you who don’t get it.’ I wrote this stuff in the Midwest, I honed it in front of midwestern audiences, and they’re who I do it for.”

Read the entire interview.