Guffaw induction 101

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on June 7th, 2005

We were moved to laugh out loud when we read the name of the comedy night at the Parlour Club on Santa Monica in W. Hollywood– No Drink Maximum! (Wednesdays, cocktails at 7:30, showtime at 8)

We found their site when we were sniffing through our stats (as we sometimes do to find out how people find us) and we saw that a certain comic from Memphis named Brian Dowell (who now lives in Los Angeles) included the venue among his upcoming appearances.

We commend the producers, CeCe Pleasants and Katie Massa for managing to capute an attitude and a mission in a concise moniker. (Although, we’re not too happy about their contribution to the erosion of the meaning of the word “smarmy.” It’s been degraded to the point where it’s interchangeable with “sleazy,” when it started out life meaning “false earnestness.”)