Did you know you could email SHECKYmagazine posts to a friend?

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on December 19th, 2005

Sure enough. There’s a convenient icon just after the “s” in “Comments” at the end of each and every post. Oddly, though, it’s invisible! (At least it is on our browser!) But that’s no problem– just roll your cursor next to that “s” and you should see a small box with the words “email post” appear near your cursor. (And/or, for you techie types, the URL containing the words “email post” should appear in your status line at the bottom of your browser window.)

Just click on that empty space (where the little email icon should be!), and you’ll be taken to a browser window that contains a simple form which enables you to fill in a friend’s email, your email and comments. Then you hit a button and BOOM– you can tell a friend of the latest posting on SHECKYmagazine.com!