The life of one cruise ship comic

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on February 24th, 2006

Sharp-eyed reader Terry Reilly sent us the link to a WSJ story (“A Comic’s Quarter Century of Smooth Sailing”) about a 25-year veteran of performing on cruise ships, or as author Joanne Kaufman calls it, the “saltwater circuit.”

“You play Vegas and you have to cheer up the losers. You play nightclubs and you have to avoid the drunks,” explains Mr. Sherman, 74, who speaks from considerable experience. “On a cruise ship the audiences want you to be good. They’re rooting for you. It’s rare that you encounter any hostility.”

74-year-old Don Sherman is profiled in this piece. Worth reading for the telescoped account of one man’s zig-zag path through show business. (And for the reference to Hey, Landlord. If it wasn’t so easy to look things up on the internet, we’d give something away to the first person to email us with the reason Hey, Landlord is of any significance to a magazine about standup. But it is. So we won’t.)