Gropman's latest column… in Grop-land!

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on June 28th, 2006

If you want to read Adam Gropman‘s latest column, hop on over to Grop-land, the home of his blog! In his latest essay, Gropman finally realizes the wisdom of some of America’s foremost “relationship comics,” Adam Ferrara, Bobby Slayton, and Bob Marley:

Guys like Ferrara, Slayton and Marley talk at length about the enormous communication differences between men and women and also about the huge rift between what it is that we as men and they as women want. Sometimes they cite fairly generic activities- lying in bed, seated at the dinner table, going out in public, kicking back on the couch. But sometimes the activities are a lot more specific, like watching the game on TV, playing cards with the buddies, going to Home Depot, hanging at a strip club or fixing the car. And in these bits, the incessant woman can never just leave them be.

I couldn’t relate because those specific activities aren’t my usual activities. And I erroneously thought that if my regular activities were so different from those of the woman-bashing comedians, then their girlfriends and wives must be so different from ones I would be with, and the fundamental dynamics of their relationships so different from any relationship I would be in, that I had absolutely nothing to learn and nothing to laugh at from these guys. To quote the band Sisters of Mercy, I WAS WRONG.

Read the rest here!

Mr. Gropman last wrote for SHECKYmagazine in dispatches from the U.S. Comedy Arts Festival (aka Aspen), and the short film that Gropman co-wrote, “Insight Into The Enemy,” will also be featured in next month’s festival in Montreal.