MSM: Incapable of figuring out Google

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on August 17th, 2006

From the Lake County News-Sun website, Item Number 2 in a short article called “Three Things to Remember” is:

Two words for you: Walt Willey. We don’t know who he is either, but he’s doing standup comedy Friday night at Zanies in Vernon Hills. Call (847) 549-6030.

Oh, sure, we know that Walt Willey is a “stunt booking” and we know that it’s cute and cool for a publication to occasionally appear stupider than its readers (it’s the irony thing), but this is just plain moronic. Willey, after all, has achieved some level of notoriety as a soap opera star, not just as a comedy club performer. So, in demonstrating a snarky, ironic detachment from the comedy club scene in their backyard (and the nothing, nobody, no-names that appear there), they’ve also revealed a giant hole in their pop culture knowledge. And, the icing on the cake is a demonstration of their total inability (or disinclination) to use popular search engine Google. Back in the old days, these folks would have at best been labelled “square.” (How’s that for irony? They start out trying to appear hip, but end up appearing as though they’re in danger of breaking a hip.)

P.S.: As for Willey being a stunt booking, we may have to reassess that. Upon further reflection, we realize that he has, after all, been at this comedy thing for probably 15 years. We’ve never had the pleasure of watching him perform, but we must assume that he’s reached some level of competence.