American Eagle sponsoring comedy

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on February 26th, 2007

The folks who bring us madras shorts and all kinds of faux Bohemian wear (Shall we call it “Faux-Bo?”) for college dudes and dudettes who wanna spend a fortune but not look like they spent a fortune, are sponsoring a comedy tour. And they’re encouraging a boatload of college-aged faux comics (Shall we call them “Faux-Coms?”) to enter an online contest, the winner of which gets to “perform live at Spring Break with American Eagle!” Gulp! It’s not so much a prize as it is a punishment! There are seasoned comedians who want to slash their wrists (or, at the very least, throttle their agent and drop out of the business) after performing for a Spring Break audience!

Visit the AEComedy website to send your favorite comic to his/her doom!