Comic takes a walk

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on August 14th, 2007

That’s Brian Malis, standup comic from Atlanta, at an undisclosed location, somewhere along the Appalachian Trail. He writes:

The Appalachian Trail, whose origins date back to the early part of the 20th century, stretches from Springer Mtn. in Georgia to Mt. Katahdin in Maine, yes that’s right there is a state called Maine. The trail passes through fourteen states unveiling its 2,167 miles, for some reason the mileage changes every year. The topography varies from above 6,000 feet to just thirty feet above sea level. Completion of the Appalachian Trail, the A.T. for short (why does it have to be short?), takes between four to seven months. In my research, I’ve read that about 20 per cent of all the thru-hikers– a person that attempts to hike the trail from one terminus to the other inside of a calendar year– actually finish what they started. And I will start just after St. Patrick’s Day.

Check out Malis’ MySpace for more pics and to check his progress. He expects to finish some time next month.