Cries of joke theivery from Air American

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on September 20th, 2007

An AP item is one of the Most Viewed News Stories. It tells of an Air America radio host, Cenk Uygur, who provides evidence, via a YouTube clip, that his “debating Republicans sound like Klingons” joke was ripped off by Colbert Report host Stephen Colbert.

There is every likelihood that a Trekkie is employed on the Colbert Report writing staff (if not several!). But, there is also a good chance that one or more CR staffers listens to Air America and/or has watched some or all of the 874 webisodes of the Young Turks YouTube clips that feature Uygur’s commentary. It’s a tough call.

But, after reading some of the 151 comments left on the YouTube clip, maybe it’s not such a tough call after all. This one, from someone calling himself “Frumpy Jones,” is interesting (and, as the attorneys might say, “dispositive”):

A few things:

1) Instead of suing him you should send him a fruit basket for the thoughtful lesson in HOW TO TELL A FUNNY JOKE

2) I actually said the Klingon joke to my wife DURING the debate (And even THAT was funnier than yours). Should I sue you now?

3) I feel sorry for you that you are trying to drum up publicity for your show like this. From the snippet I’ve seen, I plan to not tune in.

As for Uygur’s attempt to drum up publicity, he has succeeded and failed– We note that the online AP story carries a photo of Colbert but no pic of Uygur. Who wins that round?

But, when one considers that Uygur’s clips normally get somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 to 3,000 views– and that his Colbert challenge clip has garnered, at last count, 15,748– perhaps that round is a tie.

Uygur may yet have his day in the sun: A CR spokesperson said Colbert, “will most likely address it on the show.” So, there is every possibility that the faux conservative pundit will have Uygur on the show for a faux grilling/showdown. If that happens, you can score one for the plucky liberal talker.