Modified On May 25, 2010
FOSJoe Starr shot out a bulletin in which he draws attention to his cousin Vincent Hancock, of whom he is justifiably proud. Hancock, it seems…
“…is on the USA Shooting Team in Beijing. As of this moment he is in 1st place after the semi-finals of the Men’s Skeet. Later tonight he goes for the gold.– G.O.L.D.”
UPDATE: Hancock won the gold (see photo at left) yesterday afternoon in Beijing, sometime after 3 AM our time.
Hancock is big news in the niche world of skeet shooting– his photograph appears (at least for today) on the front page of the NBC Olympics page devoted to the sport.
We’re trying to determine if skeet shooting is one of the sports that NBC will bring to online viewers. Nothing seems to be scheduled online… yet. We here at SHECKYmagazine HQ have been watching the games on the telly, with a laptop connected to the internet by our side. NBC has finally entered the 20th century and is offering hours of programming– both taped and live– via the internet. It’s fascinating and much of the video is offered raw, uncut, with no commercials. And it’s free of the constant nattering of announcers, color men or former medal-winners. (A lot of it is eerie– sweeping shots of the venue before the event begins, lots of footage of practice and warmups, long shots of athletes and coaches in the downtime between competitions. We prefer it this way!)
Hop onto and download the Silverlight video player and check it all out!