Modified On August 13, 2012
Here’s all we have to say:
1. Doug Benson does not deserve to be threatened with physical harm for his jokes.
2. Neither Greg Gutfeld nor Benson are “idiots,” as they’ve been described in countless intemperate comments around the WWW.
3. If you want to read some reasonable, interesting and well-crafted opinions (many, but not all, by Canadians; many, but not all, by people who are Canadian military) read these comments.
4. If you would merely like to feed your blood lust (and possibly arrange to car pool to a live appearance by Doug Benson for the purpose of “sending him home in a wheelchair”), read these comments.
5. And, please, if you’re going to read one set of comments, read the other. To put it another way, don’t just read one and leave it at that, as both are… instructive.
If you haven’t seen the video that created the controversy by now, crawl out from under your rock and click “play.”