The Apology: The Sequel
It would have been effective, had it been Apology Number One.
Not so sure it will work, seeing as it’s how it’s Apology Number Two.
It went over three minutes. However, since it was not just an apology for the initial offense but an apology that had to negate the outrage compounded by the initial apology, it was a bit lengthier by necessity.
It was certainly better than the first one.
Will it quell the anger? Stop the rally in its tracks? Assuage the Palins?
Only time will tell.
It may well fall short. Was it heavy enough on the contrition? Was it clear enough? Should there have been a bit more clarity and maybe even a retreat from even the Bristol joke (and maybe even a heapin’ helpin’ of an apology for the slutty flight attendant gag) to get his sizable number of critics to back off?
It oughta be interesting.
The incident, if we’re to believe what we’re reading, has touched a nerve. And galvanized a group of people– women from the left, the right and the middle– that aren’t usually normally allied. (We even hear that Joy Behar is now seeing it from her mother’s POV.) Whenever that happens, it’s formidable.
It may have been too little too late.
However, Americans are, at the end of the day, a very forgiving people.
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Reply to: The Apology: The Sequel
The first one was not sufficient, the second apology was better, but still too drawn-out. But at this point Letterman has spent about 11- minutes of air time to try and make amends for a 30 sec bit that was not well thought out. We, comedians, and on air personality’s will make a bad call in judgment now and then because we are human. The Palin family should at this point take the high road and accept the apology, be the better people, and not run this into the ground. Any further complaints will only make the Palins, and the republican party look…like Democrats.