Modified On July 14, 2009
We’ve snagged all the files from the old host, we’re going to upload to the new host, we’re about to monkey with the domain name servers (DNS) at the new host… after that, it’ll just be a matter of what the techies call “propagation,” and the the internet will know where to find the magazine in its new location.
Of course, after that, it’s just a matter of telling Google that we’re bug-free. Hmmm… Google, being the fortress that they are, are very difficult to contact/persuade. If we fail to convince the mighty Google that our site, at its new location, is clean as a whistle, we’ll just purchase a new domain and rename the magazine. (Drastic, we know, but it’s been rather frustrating– our site has actually been clean for some time now, but the folks at Google– rather, the robots that crawl all over the WWW from Google– are so slow to act that we grew tired of waiting for them.)
In any event, enjoy the summer, check back in a day or two. Once the new site is up and functioning, we’ll Tweet, email, post and generally let the WWW know that we’re back.