Modified On August 9, 2012
One of the comedians featured in the UK Guardian piece (see our comments below) has posted a lengthy essay on his blog in which he takes the author of the article, Brian Logan, to task for misrepresenting his latest show, “Hitler Moustache” and his podcast, Collings & Herring.
I don’t quite know where to begin in describing why it is wrong or how it made me feel. But I think it’s fair to say that either deliberately or through journalistic incompetence it totally misrepresents both the interview and my material. To have those contentious lines quoted our of context, with absolutely no explanation of what else takes place can have no other effect than to make the casual (and even the quite careful) reader assume that I am a racist. It now seems clear that Logan had come into the interview with an agenda, was only listening out for things that confirmed his idea that comedians were just being offensive for no real reason and then ignored everything else. Hence his detachment and disinterest I guess.
Makes us wish we could see the Hitler Moustache show at Edinburgh next month. (Although, we’d have to read up on the British National Party and the recent history of British elections in order to get a good number of the gags.)