Squareup after the show
Are you selling CD’s or DVD’s after your show? Are you limited to taking cash only? Or do you occasionally rely on the kind hearts of the venue to facilitate one or two credit card purchase? (And occasionally give up 10 or 15 per cent to the comedy club manager pirates who let you use their credit card machine for verification?)
Say goodbye to all that! Hook up with Squareup.com and cheerfully accept all major credit cards from those comedy club patrons eager to take home an audio/visual souvenir from your killer appearance!
We read about this ingenious little device (and it’s futuristic, WWW-based system) when we were flying back from a gig in January. We had fully intended to hip our readers to it, but a lot of stuff got in the way– moving to Vegas, writing a book, etc.
Then we ran into Jimmy Shubert at the Fryers Club meeting at the Alexis Park the other night and he had one in his pocket. His enthusiastic proselytizing convinced us that it is the real deal! He pulled out the tiny square device, popped it into the top of his smart phone and nutshelled it for us like the wimpy article in the Southwest Airlines mag just couldn’t. (They emphasized lending money to deadbeat friends. What year is this, 1959? Is the author of the piece a fan of The Ritz Brothers or Gasoline Alley?)
Sign up for an account. They send you the little white doo-hickey–For free! Pop it into the top of your Droid, iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch and swipe that grinning customer’s credit card and– automatically and cleanly and neatly– their card is charged with a pre-determined amount of money. They need only sign on your touch screen to approve the transaction!
We knew it would be awesome, but, after seeing it (and having Shubert breathlessly pitch it), it’s Awesome Squared!
Hop onto Squareup.com to sign up. We just did. Our free card reader will arrive in just 2 to 5 days, says their website.
5 Responses
Reply to: Squareup after the show
I’ve used SquareUp for a few months or so.. it’s fantastic. So much easier than getting a merchant account and a big card reader & whatnot.
I would disable the add tip icon or let the customers know that a 40% hold will be held until the transaction goes completely through a few days later. I had several customers complain to a club that I was ripping them off. When I contacted Squareup they mentioned to simply disable the tip icon or mention that it was just a hold. That was in December so I’m not sure if they have changed their policy yet…but just beware. Secondly I heard the Apple retail stores are stocking the credit card reader so potential users might want to look into that as well. I’ve had a lot of customers get a kick out of signing with their finger. All the best.
I would also be aware that, according to the new IRS reporting credit card rules, if you gross more than 20k, and have more than 200 transactions, I believe squareup will be required to send you a 1099k form informing the IRS of your gross sales.
If you want one right away, head to your local Apple store. They sell these for $9.95. But you also get $10.00 back via a redemption code, included with the reader.
Splendid! (Although we hate waiting for “refunds” or “rebates.” Especially since we read somewhere that a startling number of rebates are never paid! We’re not saying that Apple is a deadbeat. But we are saying that we’ve trained ourselves away from rebates.)
We got our Square in about two days! (It got here so quickly, we never even had time to hop onto the UPS site and track it!)