“Double Date” with Shane & April

L to R: The Male Half, The Female Half, April Macie, Shane Mauss, at the Levity Entertainment Group studios in Los Angeles.
“This week Shane and April are joined by Shecky Magazine’s Traci Skene and Brian McKim. Listen in as they discuss: long term relationships and getting kicked off cruise ships.” That’s how Episode #2593 of “Double Date with Shane & April” is described. Hop on now to listen to 1:09:12 of hilarity, insider comedy talk and general foolishness! As part of our busy five-day foray into Southern California, we bulled our way up Sepulveda Blvd., from Redondo to the HQ of Levity Entertainment Group, a week ago Monday. It was a delightful way to spend an hour!
The popular podcast is described thusly: “Listen weekly as these two talk with another couple in an attempt to push social boundaries and slowly dismantle their own relationship in a desperate bid for attention.”
We were thrilled to be a part of it!
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