Comix Cafe– Buffalo

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on January 11th, 2005

Just got back from a three-day swing through the Comix Cafe in Buffalo, NY. A splendid club, run well, five near-sellout crowds. The Buffalonians are attentive and enthusiastic– can’t ask for more than that from a gang of 180 or so people who’ve never met!

We were amused by the wall near the sound booth that featured a dozen or so examples of old headshots– side-by-side with the newer headshot! A persuasive argument for replacing our headshots on a more regular basis. The mid-80s Rich Vos headshot is particularly embarassing. (Cafe proprietor Randy Reese says that Vos has expressed a desire to roam the country and buy up all his old “ringlet and Jheri-curl” headshots to get them out of circulation.)