Sinbad and foreign policy?
Watching Fox News Channel. They just teased a piece in which “Sinbad is getting serious about Clinton and foreign policy.” Huh?
Mystery solved: It’s a reference to a Mary Ann Akers “The Sleuth” column in today’s Washington Post:
Sinbad, along with singer Sheryl Crow, was on that 1996 trip to Bosnia that Clinton has described as a harrowing international experience that makes her tested and ready to answer a 3 a.m. phone call at the White House on day one, a claim for which she’s taking much grief on the campaign trail.
Harrowing? Not that Sinbad recalls. He just remembers it being a USO tour to buck up the troops amid a much worse situation than he had imagined between the Bosnians and Serbs.
In an interview with the Sleuth Monday, he said the “scariest” part of the trip was wondering where he’d eat next. “I think the only ‘red-phone’ moment was: ‘Do we eat here or at the next place.'”
Sinbad, an Obama supporter, apparently could remain silent no longer.
One Response
Reply to: Sinbad and foreign policy?
Come on. Give Mrs. Clinton a break. I bet that trip was very scary considering that Sinbad grew up in the streets where you went to sleep to the sound of a .38 special firing ghetto loads, compared to Hillary growing up in the Midwest, and getting pampered for the last 40 years, with the most dangerous moment being when making an Arkansas stump speech spot, one local told her “ya got purdy teeth.”That guy didn’t even have to tell her to squeal like a pig, after he heard her speak.