Alonzon Bodden Wins L.C.S. III

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on October 13th, 2004

Yeah, yeah, it’s late. editor Brian McKim was invaded by some sort of horrid bug, causing gastroenteritis, further causing simultaneous, multi-port ejection. Not pretty. The HazMat team should be by here later on today to police the area.

Poor Traci– she was watching the Sox-Yankees game and missed the announcement at the beginning of Father of the Pride, meaning that she was forced to actually watch an hour of that wretched show.

Can you believe that they merely announced it? What a burn job on Alonzo! On all of them! There seems to be some confusion out there as to when the whole episode will run on Comedy Central. Nothing on NBC, nothing on Hmmm…

Prediction: Comedy Central will spend a little jack and do a season IV of L.C.S. It is, after Comedy Central.

That’s all we can blog for now… feeling weak… can’t focus.