NYT finally does Vaughn Meader right

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on December 26th, 2004

The New York Times has an exceptional piece on Vaughn Meader, who passed way earlier this year. When he died, we ran something here, but we were stunned at how little fuss was made in the MSM. Maybe the major dailies couldn’t find anyone old enough to write a decent appreciation. Meader was not only significant for his Fleetwood Mackian album sales figures, but for his strong and all too brief cultural influence.

Lenny Bruce supposedly opened his first post-assassination show with a sympathetic sigh, then: “Vaughn Meader is screwed.” Meader had been terrifically successful and famous for a year. He would live 41 more.

It’s written by Elizabeth McCracken. Mandatory reading– click this.(Free registration required)