Convicts and mothers… and comics

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on October 2nd, 2005

We were combing our stats recently and we came across a URL. We’re kinda fuzzy on what it was/is. Near as we can tell, it was posted on UbuWeb (which describes itself as “a completely independent resource dedicated to all strains of the avant-garde, ethnopoetics, and outsider arts.”). It’s billed as “SOME DIFFERENCES BETWEEN POETRY & STAND-UP” and our favorite passage might be:

Poets think they know all about time: meter, iambs, syllabics, caesuras. And all that. Stand-ups know all about time. Stand-ups handle time. The only people better at handling time than stand-ups are convicts & mothers.

There’s an HTML version and a PDF version. Must reading for any comic. (We advise poets to stay away.)

We are not clear on who the author is. He might be an Irish poet. We’ll wait by the inbox for someone to claim credit. When we find out, you’ll find out. Either way, it’s brilliant.