Joke book for kids from Leno

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on October 31st, 2005

A short item in yesterday’s Philadelphia Inquirer told of a book, co-written by Jay Leno and Tonight writer, called “How to Be the Funniest Kid in the Whole Wide World (or Just in Your Class).”

“I’m in a business where people throw money at you,” he said. “They’re in a business where people shoot at you. It’s just a way of saying thanks.”

Nice quote. Proceeds benefit Concerns of Police Survivors Inc., an organization that looks after the families of cops killed in the line of duty.

(Oh, and that “throwing money” quote? Let’s hope that the cretins among us don’t take that too literally. We envision quarters and half dollars flying toward the stage at a one-nighter or two in the near future.)