An annoying trend…

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on June 5th, 2006

There’s another Myspace page out there that proposes to name names when it comes to reporting comics who steal material. As with the other sites who have tried this in the recent past, it will do so anonymously.

We suspect that this site will slowly disintegrate like the others. We sent him an email and told him “quit being a pussy and attach your name to the site.”

Being accused of stealing (rightly or wrongly) is the worst charge anyone can level at a comic. That the accuser is anonymous is reprehensible.

“i hate hacks….thieves, crooks, etc…….thats my opinion,” writes the brave, anonymous Inquisitor. To which we reply, “Who doesn’t?”

But we are of the opinion that each of us has a right to face our accuser. We’re funny that way. We’ve always thought that these matters are best handled on a one-to-one basis. Trying to do it anonymously is dumb and cowardly.