Rock fouls the air at U.K. Live Earth show

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on July 8th, 2007

So much for clean air.

On live TV, Chris Rock, after a less than great response to a lame Paris Hilton reference (it couldn’t really have been called a joke), said, “I’m just joking, motherfucker. Shit!” He was out there to kill time before introducing the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

What follows on the YouTube clip is an insincere apology by the broadcast’s host and giggling by his couchmates.

Rock stumbles at the beginning of the clip, nearly falling. He seems uncomfortable even though he gets a rather rousing reception when he’s introduced. Perhaps the huge crowd threw him off. (Wembley holds 90,000 people, and maybe more for an event such as the Live Earth concert.)