Famecast comedy contest ends at 11:59 PM Saturday

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on August 3rd, 2007

We think. There’s a ticker on the site and there’s also something that says it ends Saturday at 12 PM EST. Odd, since we’re on daylight these days. Hmmm…

Anyway, the above link takes you directly to the comedy contest page on Famecast. We’re not 100 per cent sure what Famecast is, but it’s some sort of sprawling, TV-internet hybrid that hosts video and pays strict attention to entertainment.

Brandon Walsh, Tom Franck, Tony Valle, Lamont Ferguson and Steve Hofstetter are the final five, having been whittled down from (we think) 50 comics. They started taking video April 23! That’s 103 days from submission to the end of voting, if our math is correct! It’s a marathon!

They’re already talking about Season 3, and accepting submissions. We suppose this season will end sometime in early November, but we could be mistaken.

Be forewarned, there’s talk on the net that it’s a bitch to register to vote. But if you view the vids and you want to help out one of the comics, you’ll grit your teeth and do it.

We take a dim view of online video contests (not just because we were eliminated in a matter of nanoseconds on NextBigStar.com a few years back!), because the quality is usually pretty poor and the contest is often just as much about browbeating friends into voting as it is about standup. In this case, however, the quality of the finals video is pretty slick and the number of votes seems rather large. (Watch the intro by hostess Emmy Robbin– she punctuates every other sentence with a little Jerry Espenson-style hop which alternates between endearing, annoying and fascinating.)