Snoozing comedians vindicated

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on January 9th, 2008

Dave Mosher, writing for Live Science, reports on a study out of Haifa:

New research conducted by brain researcher Avi Karni of the University of Haifa in Israel explores the possibility that naps help lock in sometimes fleeting long-term memories. A 90-minute daytime snooze might help the most, the study finds.

It’s all about what the eggheads call memory consolidation– “the results of this research suggest the possibility that it is possible to speed up memory consolidation.”

Let’s just say that the labcoats discovered that 90-minutes naps are a quick and easy way to lock in certain kinds of memory and make them “immune to interference and forgetting.”

Next time someone busts your balls for napping in the middle of the day, just tell them that it’s important for your memory consolidation and that without it, tonight’s set might be vulnerable to intereference and forgetting.

Or just tell them to stick it.