Roll your own "Super High Me"

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on March 10th, 2008

The Reuters article talks about the promotional gimmick surrounding Doug Benson’s documentary, “Super High Me.” The tortured money quote:

Starting March 10, fans can register at the film’s Web site to “roll” their own screenings by requesting a free DVD copy of the film, which will be sent out on its theatrical start date of April 20, a sacred date in the stoner community.

Was this written by someone who just lit up? Sounds so.

From what we can tell, Benson made a documentary (a parody of Morgan Spurlock’s “Super Size Me) which depicts the comedian abstaining from smoking pot for 30 days, then smoking it all day for the next 30 days, with medical tests set up along the way. (Benson claims to be a card-carrying medical marijuana patient.)

The promotion scheme is a rather odd combo of high, low and medium-tech and a borrowed idea or two– Offering a DVD (low-tech) hard copy of the flick, which has a digitally enforced 24-hour shelf life (high-tech), via the website (medium-tech), delivered via USPS (low-tech), to be viewed on 4/20 (idea that was previously used to promote “Before the Music Dies” in 2006 and the film “Totally Baked” last April). It is hoped that word of mouth will make the film a hit when it opens in theaters. (Perhaps it was asking too much of potential fans of the movie to actually download a film from the internet. “I was supposed to hit ‘Accept’ but I got totally paranoid that it was a virus or something… then I got distracted by that LOLCats website… Are you gonna eat that?”)

Of course, they’re depending on stoners to spread the word. Now, if they can only remember to tell their friends…

Regardless, it has Benson in it and behind it. It will probably be hysterical, with our without herbal enhancement.