“More comedian” on MySpace: The Male Half!

by Brian McKim & Traci Skene on January 14th, 2009

We’ve been hearing about how Facebook is surging in popularity. How it’s leaving MySpace in the dust and how folks are abandoning MySpace at an alarming rate and there’s wind whistling through the cyber halls of that venerable social networking site.

We weren’t convinced.

Well, if you need any proof that MySpace is over, look no further than MySpace Comedy, the “Official Channel For Comedians On MySpace.”

That’s right– providing support to Featured Comedian Robert Schimmel this week (as one of the “More Comedians,”) is Brian McKim, The Male Half of the Staff!

Are we ungrateful? No, not at all. We’re thrilled, actually. But, we’re feeling very Eeyore-esque around SHECKYmagazine HQ this week.

Pardon us, while we sort through the thicket of New Friend Requests (a total of ten so far!) and deal with the press inquiries!

In a totally unrelated note, did anyone notice the ad in the upper right corner of all the MySpace home pages?

You might be eligible for spelling lessons as well!

It’s a scam-ular enterprise from one Kevin Hoeffler who “went from being broke to completely paying off my debt in 30 days by spending a few minutes filling out a form online that qualified me for a Free $12,000 Financial Aid Check from the US Government.”

This would make him the Matthew Lesko of the new millennium!

Now, if he could only spell… or use some of his new-found cash to hire people who can.