“Dark basements full of angry men”
We watched the “debate” between Jim Norton and insipid busy body Lindy West on FX’s Totally Biased, hosted by W. Kamau Bell.
(The word “debate” is in quotes because West clearly was unable to present any cogent point beyond “You can do whatever you want to do as long as you don’t do anything that I don’t want you to do.”)
West is a blogger who caused controversy with her “Open Letter To White Male Comedians.” See what we wrote here. Of course, we didn’t expect West to say anything we might agree with. But we were taken aback that she was even less effective on television than she was in print.
It was a slaughter, a knockout for Norton and an embarrassment for West. Over and over again, she prefaces each statement with a weak profession to be all about free expression, art, free speech, etc. But she eventually circles back to banning certain types of speech that make her (or those she purports to represent) uncomfortable. She dresses it up with all sorts of lame, high-minded doublespeak (with a dash of third-wave feminist code words), but it all comes down to a prohibition of speech and violence on free expression.
The two key points that Norton makes are that people enter a comedy club with the expectation that what they’re going to see is comedy. And, as such, those people shouldn’t (and necessarily can’t) take what is said seriously. His second companion point is that comedy has never inspired violence.
West isn’t satisfied. “It’s not just making jokes about a thing. It’s contributing to a culture that perpetuates that thing,” she says.
At 4:35, Bell, perhaps sensing that Norton’s points on free speech are threatening to bring a swift end to any real “debate,” shifts the focus to a topic that can’t be debated.
“So, I mean, that’s the question, I mean, other people are saying, like, you know, are comedy clubs inherently hostile environments for women?”
This is utter nonsense, but it’s right in West’s wheelhouse. It’s a notion that can’t be proven or disproven. It’s merely a vicious, outrageous claim that merely seeks to demonize comedy clubs, their patrons and the people who mount the stage. And, as a bonus, it helps in the effort to portray women as victims.
West describes comedy clubs as “dark basements full of angry men.” This is sheer crackpottery and should make everyone who earns a living at standup comedy– waitstaff, club managers, comedians, owners, bookers, agents, managers– frightened and outraged.
Though the statement is made somewhat in jest, it is chilling. And any statement that follows it– indeed, anything from West– should be discounted as so much claptrap. She gives no credit to comedy club patrons. And her bleak portrayal of comedians is horrific. Her screed is inarticulate nonsense, based largely on emotion and vague pseudo-academic babble.
Norton’s response is solid and, in a perfect world, would mark the end of the entire discussion. It starts at 6:22. He ends by saying:
“There’s a great difference between even a harsh rape joke and saying, ‘All kidding aside, folks (raps on table) rape is good!’ Like, we all know the difference between that… I think there’s a difference, too, between a comedy club– where you understand that we’re trying to have an emotion pulled out of us, which is laughter– and standing up at the office party and going, ‘To RAPE!'”
Her response is chilling. Her prefatory statement, however is worth noting:
First of all, I’ve seen comedy acts that are not that far away from that…
Of course, you’ve heard statements that are “not that far away from that,” Ms. West… but the important point is that they are far enough away– by virtue of the fact that they are delivered as comedy in the context of a comedy club– that they are not in any way, shape or form equivalent to standing up at the office party and saying, “To RAPE!” If you fail to see the distinction, you are being willfully blind.
But her followup is almost as chilling:
I’m sure it’s super comfortable and nice to believe that there aren’t systemic forces that are affected by speech, but that’s not true. And those of us who are affected by those forces know that that’s not true.
If we can cut through the drivel and interpret what West is trying to say: Speech causes violence. We know this because the people who were the victims of violence in the past wince when such statements are made and they tell us that it is true. End of story. Case closed.
Of course, that’s nonsense.
Fortunately, all West and her like-minded mob have going for them is big mouths and a lack of shame for the lameness of their argument. As long as we’re around, we’ll rebut this kind of quackery. And Norton and others seem to be ably batting back the babble, too.
If they get it in their heads to actually attempt– through legal means– to suppress such speech, they’ve got Oliver Wendell Holmes to contend with. Schenck vs. The United States? You may have heard of it? Not ringing any bells? How about “clear and present danger?“ Back in 1919, the Supreme Court of the United States said, “The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that the United States Congress has a right to prevent.” And, according to Wikipedia, “Following Schenck v. United States, ‘clear and present danger’ became both a public metaphor for First Amendment speech and a standard test in cases before the Court where a United States law limits a citizen’s First Amendment rights; the law is deemed to be constitutional if it can be shown that the language it prohibits poses a “clear and present danger”. However, the “clear and present danger” criterion of the Schenck decision was replaced in 1969 by Brandenburg v. Ohio, and the test refined to determining whether the speech would provoke an ‘imminent lawless action.'”
Of course, all of the above is with regard to political speech and safeguards against sanctions from the state.
But if there’s one thing that’s been drilled into our heads over the last forty years or so it’s that freedom of artistic expression is even more sacred than political expression! Good luck trying to suppress speech delivered from the stage of a comedy club. (Didn’t we resolve this back in 1964 or so? Has Ms. West heard of Lenny Bruce?)
Host Bell basically let the combatants talk (good for him). On one occasion, though, he revealed his true leanings on the subject (or, at the very least, he revealed an inability to grasp the seriousness of what he himself was saying) when he briefly tried to rebut a statement by Norton. It’s at 3:18, when Norton decries the practice of offended audiences targeting advertisers.
(Full disclosure: We disagree with Norton on this point. Norton contends that “the marketplace should dictate what’s funny.” We maintain that offended listeners who seek to pressure advertisers– and folks who join the fray after hearing about “offensive” speech third and second hand– are in fact part of the marketplace. And we’ve been consistent when we say that a network sitcom is a completely different animal from the performance delivered from the stage of a comedy club.)
Bell says:
But if we didn’t remove financial support and target advertisers, we’d still have Glenn Beck. I’m just saying sometimes, sometimes target the advertisers.
Of course, Bell is wrong– we still have Beck… and from his position atop the GBTV enterprise, he’s worth $100 million. But, more importantly, Bell seems to rather frankly and blithely suggest that, in the case of Beck, it was a good thing. Of course, when Terry Rakolta sought to have Married With Children removed from the air, she was the devil incarnate just for having the audacity to suggest that viewers exercise their right to pressure Coca Cola. There’s a double standard here. And the case could easily be made that it’s a dangerous double standard. (Of course, the show is called Totally Biased, so we probably shouldn’t be all that surprised.)
She is a worthless blogger whose opinion is valueless, but everyone loves a controversy, I guess. She’ll eagerly play the humorless dirigible foil to Jim Norton’s quick-witted voice of reason, because then people will pay attention to her. She’s not funny or creative, like Amy Schumer or Bonnie McFarlane, but she excels at being the self-righteous party pooper. That’s the territory she’s staked out in lieu of crafting hilarious jokes which garner applause and approbation and an order for a pilot from Comedy Central. “Take Back the Comedy Club,” and so forth. Yechhh…
To co-opt a glib shibboleth used by the left: Don’t like rape jokes…? Don’t make one…
Two words:
Guy Earle
Her attitude is what got him in trouble.
and thanks SO much for making that point about Glenn Beck. It’s amazing that liberals pride themselves on being well-informed, yet don’t seem to realize that Glenn Beck is a) still #3 on talk radio (and I think #1 in… NYC?) b) has doubled his net worth since leaving Fox News and c) has far more paid subscribers than Oprah.
PS: Carl, “Don’t like rape jokes? Don’t make one” is perfect. I’ve noticed they don’t say “If you don’t like it change the channel” as much these days since some of us have caught onto saying the same thing back at them.
I find Bell even more loathsome than West. The needy, rapport-seeking with the audience as evidenced by that line about Beck, his nervous, forced laughter, etc. I looked Bell up on Wikipedia and immediately spotted two red flags: the emphasis in his profile on his status as an “alternative” comedian, and the fact that he’s a product of the same San Francisco, sanctimonious coffee clatch culture that produced the likes of Whoopi Goldberg and Margaret Cho.
Sure, in a sense, advertiser pressure and boycotts are “part of the market.” However, it’s a matter of degree. There’s the basic and entirely unobjectionable market mechanism of “I’ll buy what I like and won’t buy what I don’t like.” The next degree, also unobjectionable, is “I dislike this, and not only won’t buy it but also won’t patronize the advertisers.”
The degree after that is what I object to: “I dislike this so much that I am going to prevent other people from buying it.” That’s interfering with other people’s rights. I don’t think Ms. West sees anything wrong with that, because she thinks her zeal to protect people from the “climate” created by rape jokes trumps other people’s right to laugh at jokes she doesn’t like.
And, of course, she seems clueless regarding the ramifications of her argument. Jokes about war or torture or car accidents or diseases or awful parents will also be unfunny to some people for similar reasons. So, do comedians sanitize their humor of anything that might upset someone? Or do we try to create a special standard to protect women from jokes about this one topic? How “progressive” is that?
Excellent points. All art, no matter how supposedly harmless, runs the risk of offending someone.
True story: I spent a lot of my childhood in the hospital and some of it was with kids who were burn victims. Some years later, Bruce Springsteen came out with a song titled “I’m on Fire.” My first thought was “Man, those poor burn-victim kids are gonna wince every time they hear his stupid title.” Then it occurred to me that I was the one being traumatized. Each time I heard the song, I was mentally back with those poor kids on the burn unit, hearing them howl in pain, seeing their blackened, charred skin, and feeling helpless.
Was “I’m on Fire” insensitive? Was it responsible for causing my retroactive trauma? Should a “trigger alert” have to be issued? And since it’s so cavalier with its title phrase, does it contribute to the insensitivity and callousness many of us have to people deformed by burns?
The answers to such questions don’t matter. In a free society, it’s the price we pay. The question we should be asking is why we could kowtow to the speech demands of grown women as opposed to all the other special interest groups who could be offended by something, somewhere. To her it’s sexual assault; to me it’s burn victims. Add in everyone else’s grievance and we won’t have any speech allowed at all.
Loving all your commentary about this Lindy West nonsense. At this point, I regard anyone who publicly rants about what kind of jokes comedians should and shouldn’t tell the same way I regard the PMRC or the Catholic League – just self-important busybodies trying to influence what other people say and do.
Well written. It’s too bad people think it’s okay for some speech to be oppressed as long as it’s not their own. Bell should realize this.
It’s pretty funny how you guys are so quick to lash out and claim to be victimized when someone has the audacity to suggest that making jokes about rape victims could somehow contribute to a culture that doesn’t take rape seriously.
Well, Charles, defending free speech and free expression is something we take seriously. We don’t “claim to be victimized.” Not sure how anyone reading our commentary could conclude that. (The folks who seek to curtail our freedoms seek to do so by portraying other folks as victims.)
We are ferocious defenders of standup comedy.
And if you repeat nonsensical garbage that says our “culture doesn’t take rape seriously,” then apparently, you aren’t interested in being taken seriously.
“(Didn’t we resolve this back in 1964 or so? Has Ms. West heard of Lenny Bruce?)”
She apparently has not heard of Judas Priest either. Back in 1990 two teenage Judas Priest fans killed themselves and their parents tried to pin the blame on the band’s lyrics.
The court ruled in favor of the band, saying lyrics are not responsible for suicide. Similarly, comedy does not “cause” sexual assault. Why are we so stupid as a society we have to keep fighting the same battles over and over again?
Back in the ’80s, “satanic” heavy metal was considered a real threat, thanks to the Christian right and lapdog media. Today it’s sexual assault because of the feminist left and the lapdog media. Who will be boogieman be tomorrow?
All free speech runs the danger of inspiring crackpots and criminals to do awful things. But we don’t ban because of that, at least not in a free society.
“Why are we so stupid as a society we have to keep fighting the same battles over and over again?”
Why, indeed.
But Lindy West has far more people nodding in agreement than did Tipper Gore or Terry Rakolta. A disconcertingly large number of people.
“But Lindy West has far more people nodding in agreement than did Tipper Gore or Terry Rakolta. A disconcertingly large number of people.”
Does she? 25,000 Twitter followers might seem like a lot. But the PMRC hearings were shown to millions and on the news every night. We had the Moral Majority then and Reagan was in office.
But whatever the case, her calls for self-censorship are along the same lines that their were and need to be stopped immediately. Wish Frank Zappa was around today.
Isn’t this a bit of a circular argument? I mean West wasn’t calling for any law prohibiting the free speech of the comics. She didn’t say anyone should be censored, yet in more articles about this debate and her statement I keep seeing people argue that she has no right to her opinion or she is just some “idiot blogger”. She has something like 25,000 twitter followers and is a writer at a widely read blog. So you may not agree with her point of view but no one should be intimidating her to muzzle herself. After all isn’t that the point of free expression? That sometimes we disagree with each other. I am not saying the author’s of this piece are doing that, but the overwhelming amount of venom towards West is along the lines of “Shut up you stupid woman” I say let her talk, and the audience will decide what they want to watch!
We don’t merely disagree with her “point of view.” We find what she says to be poisonous, uncharitable, unprovable and quite possibly damaging to our livelihood. She refers to the places where we make a portion of our living as “dark basements full of angry men.” This just isn’t so. But saying it may have the effect of keeping people away from those places. The way to combat speech is with more speech. So, we’re providing West with more speech. We haven’t told West, “Shut up, you stupid woman.” We dearly wish she would shut up, but we have little hope she will. (And, for the record, we think she is weapons-grade stupid.)
And we’re defending comedy. In our original posting– in response to West’s “Open Letter”— we said:
Until very recently, telling people what they could or could not talk about on a stage was an unforgivable sin. We still think that it’s unforgivable. We’re old school.
What makes West’s effort so egregious is her tendency to dress up her tirade with references to race and gender. And it’s doubly and triply worrisome that so many people seem to be accepting her nonsense. Strip away all the hate speech about white males and what you’re left with is someone who doesn’t like what some people are saying and, despite her protestations to the contrary, she is attempting to get them to stop saying it. And she is doing so by manufacturing some sort of causation between the speech she doesn’t like and the actions of criminals.
It’s reprehensible.
It should be condemned.